Reduced Body Fat / Reduced Inches / Improved Muscle Tone / Increased Energy / Enhanced Overall Wellness
Lose fat, lose inches, get toned and increase energy? With NO calorie restrictions, NO restrictions on healthy eating, NO diet pills or “fat burners” and NO extreme exercise.
Well now you can, faster and easier than ever before.
By combining our patented patch technology, Theta One Nutrition formula, and a few very specific eating and exercise guidelines, you can greatly improve the shape of your body with minimal effort or sacrifice (click STEPS in the menu for more details).
What makes WinFit different is also what makes it so effective: its natural ability to increase your metabolism without drugs or stimulants of any kind. It all starts with the WinFit Patch, which uses the healing property of light (phototherapy) to help you lose fat and build muscle. And because your body shifts gears to build this new muscle you need lots of energy (fats) and fuel (calories).
Once this occurs, you no longer have to reduce calories to lose fat. Instead, your body needs the calories to build and maintain your new muscle. Great news! You’ve now increased your metabolism. From there, all WinFit components work together to help reshape your body.
At LifeWave, we’ll never ask you to take a magic weight-loss pill, starve yourself with extreme diets or endure punishing exercise routines. Instead, we have a natural, scientifically proven system for shifting your hormones back to your younger years, when you were a fat-burning machine. Now you can finally lose unwanted fat and replace it with new muscle on your terms.
Read the story behind WinFit, as told by LifeWave Founder and CEO David Schmidt.
WinFit delivers a completely new approach to fat loss and body shaping that emphasizes six carefully timed components, including nutrition and exercise. Please refer to the WinFit System Guide (included with purchase) for detailed instructions on using these components.
Start by drinking water first thing in the morning. Research shows that consuming 17 ounces can increase metabolism by 30 percent.
Studies show a little exercise goes a long way. WinFit helps you succeed with a minimum of 10 minutes in the morning, two days a week.
For daytime use, it promotes a reduction in body fat. This helps improve the metabolism and build new muscle.
You are when you eat. Stay within an eight-hour daily window to keep your body in a fat-burning state, while maximizing muscle growth.
Award-winning formulas for nighttime use, which work together to help build lean muscle and metabolize fat.
For nighttime use, this patch improves strength and flexibility, and increases endurance.
WinFit can give you the body you’ve always wanted, provide an exciting business opportunity or both.
It’s really up to you! Either way, it can help you shape your future in ways you never thought possible.
Experience a bold new fat-loss and body-shaping system that produces life-changing results.
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